Jeffree RL , Gordon DH, Sivasubramaniam R, Chapman AWarfarin related intracranial haemorrhage: A case-controlled study of anticoagulation monitoring prior to spontaneous subduralor intracerebral haemorrhage. J Clin Neurosci.2009 Jul;16(7):882-5
Sivasubramaniam R, Sacks R, Thornton MSilent Sinus Syndrome:Dynamic changes in the position of the orbital floor after restoration of normal sinus pressure. JLaryngol Otol. 2011 Aug 11:1-5
Kalish L, Snidvongs K, Sivasubramaniam R, Cope D, Harvey RJTopical Steroids for nasal polyps. The Cochrane Database Systematic Review ; 12; 2012 Dec
Snidvongs K, Kalish L, Sacks R, Sivasubramaniam R, Cope D, Harvey RJSinus surgery and delivery method influence the effectiveness of topical corticosteroid for chronic rhinosinusitis: Systematic review and meta-analysis.Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2013 May;27(3):221-33
Sivasubramaniam R, Choroomi S, Stone HESialolithiasis in a remnant Wharton’s duct: a case study and discussion. J Otolaryngol ENT Res 2015, 2(1): 00012
Tjokrowidjaja A, Cho D, Baillie T, Sivasubramaniam R, Moses J, Lee CKA most malignant malady – A rare case of laryngeal tuberculosis in epidermal growth factor receptor mutant lung adenocarcinoma.Internal Medicine Journal, 2017
Sivasubramaniam R, Harvey RJHow to assess control and manage uncontrolled CRS / nasal polyp patientsCurr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2017 Sep;17(9):58. doi: 10.1007/s11882-017-0728-8. Review
Xu et al. HIV-1 and SIV predominantly use CCR expressed on a precursor population to establish infection in T follicular helper cellsFront Immunol. 2017 Apr 21;8:376. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00376. eCollection 2017
Villarreal et al.International assessment of inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of the international frontal sinus anatomy classification system – Accepted and waiting for publication by International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology (IFAR – July 2018)
Sivasubramaniam R, Douglas R The microbiome and chronic rhinosinusitis – Review Article– Invited review article for World Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery by Elsevier, finished and waiting for publication
Transnasal Endoscopic Approach to Orbit and Periorbital Diseases– Chapter 19 in Transnasal Endoscopic Skull Base and Brain Surgery 2ndEdition (Dr Aldo Stamm)
Endoscopic Vidian Neurectomyin Atlas of Endoscopic Sinus and Skull Base Surgery 2ndEdition
Villarreal et al. International assessment of inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of the international frontal sinus anatomy classification system – Upcoming presentation at American Rhinologic Society (ARS) meeting in 5-6thOct 2018 at Atlanta, USA.
Sivasubramaniam R, Harvey RJAdequate Investigations in the CRS patients– Invited presentation at the World Rhinology Congress – Hong Kong 2017 – 2ndSept 2017
Gary McKay, Rahuram SivasubramaniamHerniorrhaphy in TEPP hernia repair: A forgotten aspect of the open repair – Presented at the Provincial Surgeons of Australia, 45thAnnual Scientific Conference 2009, 29thJuly – 1stAugust 2009, Alice Springs, NT.
Sivasubramaniam R, Sacks R, Thornton M Silent Sinus Syndrome: Dynamic changes in the position of the orbital floor after restoration of normal sinus pressure– Presented at Australasian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (ASOHNS) Annual Scientific Meeting 2010, 30thMarch 2010, Sydney, NSW.
Sivasubramaniam R, Choroomi S, Jayachandra S, Hayter S, Chapman EP Patient outcome and satisfaction following closed reduction of nasal fractures : A 10 year retrospective study –Presented at John Lewenthal Scientific Meeting at University of Sydney in April 2011.
Sivasubramaniam R, Choroomi S, Jayachandra S, Hayter S, Chapman EP Patient outcome and satisfaction following closed reduction of nasal fractures : A 10 year retrospective study –Presented at Australasian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (ASOHNS) Annual Scientific Meeting 2012, 2ndApril 2012, Adelaide, SA.
Choroomi S, Sivasubramaniam R, Jayachandra S, Chapman P E, Hayter S Patient outcomes and satisfaction following closed nasal fracture reduction: A 10-year Australian review– Presented at AAFPRS Fall Meeting 2012 at Washington DC, USA
Sivasubramaniam RFESS : Why Do We Do It? – Presented at the Zone 7 NSW OTA Inc Study Day held at Australian National University on 15thMay 2010
ENT Workshop – Speaker and demonstrator at ACEM 27thAnnual Scientific Meetings held in Canberra on 19th– 20thNovember 2010
Sivasubramaniam R, Choroomi S, Stone HE Sialolithiasis in a remnant Wharton’s duct: A case study and discussion– Poster presentation at ASOHNS 2011 in Melbourne
Moghadam A, Sivasubramaniam R, Chapman EP Malignant Otitis Externa, Temporal Bone Osteomyelitis: still a medical challenge that warrants long term follow-up– Poster presentation at ACT Annual Scientific Meeting on 5thNov 2011.
Choroomi S, Jayachandra S, Sivasubramaniam R, Hayter S, Chapman P Nasal Fractures: Who and how in Australian practice– Poster Presentation at ASOHNS 2012 in Adelaide.
Snidvongs K, Kalish L, Sivasubramaniam R, Cope D, Sacks R, Craig J, Harvey R Intranasal corticosteroid for chronic rhinosinusitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis - Poster Presentation at ASOHNS 2012 in Adelaide.
Moghadam A, Sivasubramaniam R, Eghtedari F, Stone H, Dahlstrom JAdenosquamous cell carcinoma of the tongue; A case report and discussion– Poster presentation at ANZHNCS Annual Scientific Meeting 2012 in Brisbane.
Sivasubramaniam R, Choroomi S, Jayachandra S, Hayter S, Chapman EP Patient outcome and satisfaction following closed reduction of nasal fractures : A 10 year retrospective study– Awaiting submission to peer reviewed journal for publication.